Monday, July 28, 2014

Introducing Adam Ray Lake

Adam Ray Lake joined our family on Monday, July 21, 2014 at 10:17 am.  He weighed 7 lbs 13 oz and was 20.5 inches long.  We went in to the hospital at 8:00 am and were wheeled back into the operating room right on time.  I got my spinal at 9:59 am for a 10:00 scheduled surgery.  I thought it was pretty good to be on time!  The only issue we had in pre-op was that my veins were really small, so they were having a hard time getting an IV in.  They loaded me up with fluids and antibiotics (since I was group b strep positive) and had me drink something to neutralize the acid in my stomach - it tasted really weird.  I got to walk back to the operating room with Jed, Patty, Christine, and the Potter girls in tow.   Ethan was still at home with Granny and Grandpa.  They were planning on heading up when I went in to surgery.  The spinal didn't hurt near as much as I anticipated.  They got me all prepped and ready to go then Jed came in to the operating room.  Dr. Dickson informed everyone that Jed would be telling everyone the sex of the baby.  The anesthesiologist was really nice and told me to let him know if I started to feel nauseous.  At this point I was, so I told him so.  The intense pressure as they took the baby was not pleasant at all.  I have always had low blood pressure, but at this point my blood pressure started dropping very low.  At one point during my surgery it was as low as 60s/20s.  This of course made me get sick.  The anesthesiologist was giving me stuff to raise my blood pressure, but I ended up getting sick when they took Adam from me and again when they were stitching me back up.  Getting sick without being able to feel your abdomen is the weirdest feeling ever.  When they got the baby out Jed announced to me that we had our Adam (if baby Lake was a girl, she would have been Amy Kay).  I was so happy and feeling better at this point.  Jed got to spend quite a bit of time with Adam while I was getting stitched back up and unfortunately when he brought Adam over to me for the first time I was getting sick.  I was still so incredibly happy though!  By the end of the surgery I did get to hold Adam on my chest.  We were then wheeled to recovery where I tried to feed Adam and they tried to get my blood pressure up.  Jed went to go get Ethan to bring him back.  Ethan was interested, but not for very long.  His first reaction when he held Adam was to ask why Adam didn't talk to him or say hi.  After a little more time in recovery, my parents, Jed's mom, Christine, Potter girls, and Ethan came back to meet Adam.  Everyone was so excited.  After I could feel my legs again we were wheeled to my post partum room.  We got there around 1:00.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my heavens! He is perfect Tammy!!!! Congratulations on welcoming your second baby boy! Happy recovery to you and enjoy that precious baby!
