Stats: Not very exact stats as Ethan refused to stand on the scale, acting like a 3 year old!
37 inches - 40th percentile
29 lbs - 20th percentile
He grew 2 inches and gained 2 lbs in a year
Clothes: 2T and 3T, depending on the clothes. He is in underwear full time except at night where he wears size 5 night time diapers.
Ethan moved to his big boy bed right after Christmas since I was home from teaching night classes. He did great! He stays in his bed even though it takes him forever to fall asleep sometimes. He also stays in bed in the morning until we come get him. We put him down between 7:00 and 8:00 with books and he is usually awake about 6:30 am. Sometimes he doesn't fall asleep until after 9:00 pm and I try not to get him up in the summer until after 7:00 am. He takes a nap in his big boy bed from about 1:00-3:30ish. At home he is a good napper and usually does fairly well at daycare.
Eating: Sometimes he eats great, sometimes he barely eats at all. We try to do healthy food, but he loves dessert and carbs!
Milestones: So many milestones that I can't even begin to list them. He has a huge vocabulary and an awesome memory. He has tons of books memorized and can recite them word for word. He has pretty good behavior most of the time, but he definitely has his moments. Potty training went much better than I anticipated. The hardest part was getting him to go #2 on the potty. Now he does awesome!
What we are looking forward to: Watching him grow in his roll as a big brother.
What we are dreading: The attitude that comes with being 3!
Miscellaneous: His favorite toys currently are construction worker toys, cars, and Jake and the Neverland Pirates.
Happy 3rd birthday Ethan!