Monday, July 28, 2014

Adam Ray - 1 week

The time goes so fast, I have no idea how we are already a week into Adam's life.  My recovery in the hospital went fairly well.  Due to the medicine in the spinal, the first 24 hours were actually really easy (way better than I remembered).  The main issue I had was a side effect of itching!  Then the pain that I remembered came back!  We got to go home Thursday about 10:30 am.  My parents were still here, so they helped with Ethan and Adam until they went home on Sunday.

The first two nights at home went well.  He was eating well and sleeping fairly well.  He didn't have too much trouble going to sleep at night.  The third night was rough, but my mom was able to help.  He is sleeping most of the day.  I had forgotten how many diapers newborns go through!

Adam's main issue in the first few days of life were his jaundice levels.  After we got out the hospital he had to go back to the breastfeeding clinic 3 times to have his levels checked.  Hopefully we are past that.  He has his dr appointment tomorrow, so we will know stats then.

1 week stats at Dr:
7 lb 13 oz (43rd percentile) - back to birth weight

Stats at breastfeeding clinic on Thurs, July 31 - 7 lb 14.7 oz

We are so in love with him and Ethan is doing a pretty good job as a big brother!  People say he looks just like Ethan, and I am starting to see it.

First bath!

Ethan at 3 years - Adam at 1 week!

Ethan was hiding behind the curtain!

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