I cannot believe baby time is so incredibly close! This is probably my second to last pregnancy post! I had a dr's appointment this past Friday where I strangely enough had lost 3 pounds. My guess is weight was just fluctuating and I will be up a lot more tomorrow, haha! Strangely enough I am only up 9 lbs from my pre pregnancy weight with a total weight gain of 18 lbs (including the 9 lbs I lost at the beginning). Definitely different and better than the 40 lbs I gained with Ethan. I was 1 cm dialated, but still not anywhere close to going into labor on my own. Good thing I'm not waiting for that! The best part of this appointment was that we got to have a sonogram. My placenta had been in the way of where they would cut for the c-section at 20 weeks, so she just wanted to make sure that it had moved (it had!). We got to see some awesome profile pictures as well as hands, feet, spine, heart, etc. She estimated the baby at 7 lbs 7 oz (69th percentile). Ironically at my 37 week sonogram with Ethan he was estimated at 7 lb 6 oz (69th percentile). I am not sure I trust the sonogram weight estimates at all, and I am delivering a week and a day earlier with that baby, so we shall see. I am officially guessing it will be a boy, 8 lbs 6 oz, 21 inches long.

I have been having feeling fairly decent all things considered. My back has been hurting a little more and I have been feeling some definite painful kicks and movements. I had been having a lot of braxton hicks contractions, but they seem to have slowed down. There are times I feel great and other times I feel very uncomfortable. Sleep has been about the same - awake about 3-4 times a night. I can't wait to sleep on my back again! My hips are hurting a little, but not near what they were with Ethan. The other awesome thing is that this summer hasn't been near as hot as when I was pregnant with Ethan. This week is in the 70's! When I was pregnant with Ethan every day was 100 or over!
Daycare is closed this week on vacation, so we are trying to do lots of fun things. I am still having trouble processing that Ethan only has a few more days left of being an only child. I'm excited to see him in his role as a big brother. I think he will do great. We hung out with my friend's 1 year old a lot lately, and he loved bringing me her diaper and helping me change her. He says he is going to help with the baby's stinky diapers, I sure hope so!
37 weeks 1 day - July 7 |
37 weeks 1 day - July 7 |
38 weeks 1 day - July 15 |
38 weeks 1 day - July 15 |
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