Birth: 7 lbs 12.6 oz
1 month appt: 11 lbs even (80th percentile)
2 month appt: 13 lbs 13 oz (82nd percentile)
4 month appt: 15 lbs 10 oz (54th percentile)
6 month appt: 18 lbs even (60th percentile)
I have been into the breastfeeding clinic a few times and into the doctor once since his 6 month appt, and he has actually not gained any weight. I am not concerned yet.
Birth: 20.5 inches
1 month appt: 21.75 inches (60th percentile)
2 month appt: 23.75 inches (81st percentile)
4 month appt: 26 inches (84th percentile)
6 month appt: 27.75 inches (91st percentile)
I have not measured since 6 months
Head circumference:
Birth: 14.5 inches (36.8 cm)
1 month appt: 15.25 inches (90th percentile)
2 month appt: 16 inches (90th percentile)
4 month appt: 16.75 inches (77th percentile)
6 month appt: 17.5 inches (83rd percentile)
I have not measured since 6 months
Clothes: He is mostly in 6-9 month with a few 12 month clothes
Diapers: During late February he moved to size 4 diapers during the night (size 3 during the day) because he kept leaking. When he was leaking a lot during the day in early March, he moved to size 4 diapers full time.
Sleep: Wow....during January and February, sleep was absolutely awful. There was nights that he was up anywhere from 2-5 times during the night. We moved him to his crib downstairs on January 22, not because he was sleeping well, but because I was desperate to try anything. It did not help unfortunately. On our way back from Sharon Springs on Valentine's weekend, he got sick, and we spent the next 4 nights spending most of the night in the chair. Somehow, starting that Thursday night, he started sleeping awesome - waking only once a night. He did this consistently until we went on vacation during spring break. Since we got back from our trip, he has been getting up 2-4 times a night. Hopefully it goes back soon! Naps at daycare are still great, naps at home were all in someone's arms until the last few days. On vacation, he took a lot of naps in his carseat and stroller. He did take a couple naps in his pack and play, and when we got home, he did a few naps in his pack and play again. That is what we will continue to work to.
Eating: The last few months, he has been starting solids. He has been doing pretty well with foods, and seems to like a lot of foods. Sometimes he doesn't want to take the first bite, but then he does good after that.
Teeth: After his first sickness, I felt his first too poking through (bottom left central incisor - approximately Feb 23). I felt his bottom right central incisor poking through on March 20.
Looks: A little more brown hair and his eyes are starting to change with a little brown ring in them.
Milestones: Sitting up, rolling from back to belly
Miscellaneous - Adam is such a happy, easy going baby during the day. He loves smiling, giving kisses, and pulling hair!
Getting ready for this first night in the crib
Eating avacado from the feeder
Eating Granny's applesauce
Loving his new toy
First time in the swing!
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