I absolutely cannot believe that my baby boy is already 6 weeks old. He is already growing up so much! At 6 weeks he weighs 12 lbs 0.8 oz. He gained 24 oz in 14 days.
Over the last week and a half we have been in Sharon Springs for Adam's baptism. Jed, Adam, Ethan, and I headed out on Thursday afternoon for Sharon Springs after Jed got off work. Adam didn't do quite as well as Ethan did at this age at traveling, but overall he did good. We stopped in Salina to nurse and have the rest of us eat, we stopped just before Hays for a diaper change, we stopped in Hays to nurse, then stopped in Page City to nurse again. The best part was when Adam was crying, Ethan kept asking him what was wrong, singing to him, and telling him "stop crying Baby Adam, we are almost to Granny and Grandpa's". That is supposed to fix everything right! We got to Sharon Springs and headed to bed after a little play time. The next day my parents had to work, so we hung out, played at the playground, visited Granny's school, hung out with Great-Granny, and had lunch at the restaurant. Patty arrived mid afternoon and we all hung out at my parent's house Friday night. Lester and his family arrived late Friday night after we were in bed. Saturday morning we got to meet Zella and start getting ready for the baptism. Dick, Doug, Maleia, and the girl arrived Saturday afternoon and we all headed out to Dinas Church for the baptism. Since it wasn't a full church service we had my Aunt Belinda play a song, Jayne sing a song (she sang at our wedding), Pastor Paul McNall say a few words, then baptize Adam. Adam slept the entire time, he didn't even wake up when Paul put the water on his head! Reverend McNall has baptized so much of our family, and I am so glad he could baptize Adam. After the baptism we headed back to my parent's house for a party! We had a lot of people over and we had yummy food and lots of fun! Sunday morning everyone but my parents, myself, Adam, and Ethan left about 11:00. Sunday afternoon was spent resting as we were exhausted! Monday Mom and Dad had to go back to work, so the boys and I played at my parent's house and then went up to Granny's school playground and then Ethan had his first school lunch of corn dogs with Granny. Tuesday morning we went to Great-Granny's house to play with marbles then went to Weskan to have lunch with Grandpa and play on his school playground. Wednesday morning we went out to my cousin Stephanie's house to play with her kids. We had a great time. Ethan and Abby played so well together! Ethan didn't want to leave so much that he kept telling me he wanted to clean up so the room would look nice! Thursday morning we went out to my cousin Joni's house to play with her kids and had a great time there as well. Thursday evening we had my Aunt Lois and Uncle Bryan in for dinner. Friday morning mom had to work, so Grandpa and Ethan went to the park and I packed in the morning, Granny took off work at 11:30, we at lunch, then headed out for Topeka. Adam did pretty good on this trip since Granny could sit behind him and give him his pacifier when he cried. We only stopped in Ellis and Abilene. Ethan did awesome on both trips. He is great at reading and playing by himself with his toys. I'm not sure what I did to make him good at traveling, but I need to do it with Adam too! Saturday Jed and dad installed our new garage door opener, we went to the touch a truck festival downtown where Ethan got to get in big vehicles, and had lunch with Aunt Sarah. Sunday we went to church and relaxed, then Monday Granny and Grandpa went back to Sharon Springs and the boys and I went with Patty to Ron's house in KC. It was such a fun 11 days that I will remember forever. It was definitely different than when we did the trip when Ethan was a baby, but so much fun!
In the week we were out there Adam started having a few more smiles (still not consistent), showed off his rolling over skills, became a lot more alert, and made so many cute noises. He is doing great at daytime sleeping (I have had to start swaddling him for his afternoon nap sometimes if he is fighting me) and is getting up about twice at night after I put him to put around 9:30. He then gets up between 1:30 and 3:00 and then another time which depends on when he got up the first time. If he is fussing I can just give him the pacifier and he goes to sleep (so far!). I hope that continues. I have 3 1/2 more weeks at home, and I plan to enjoy them a lot!
This picture represents life - Ethan being crazy, Grandpa looking like he is about to fall, and Zella looking like she is about to punch Adam! |
This is one of Grandpa's favorite things to do! |
Bath in Granny's sink! |
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