Sunday, September 21, 2014

2 months - Aday Ray

Weight: This kid loves to gain weight! 
     Birth:   7 lbs 12.6 oz
     Hospital discharge: 7 lbs 5.4 oz
     1 week: 7 lbs 8.4 oz
     1 week dr appt:  7 lbs 13 oz
     2 weeks:  8 lbs 9.9 oz
     3 weeks:  9 lbs 10.9 oz
     4 weeks:  10 lbs 8.9 oz
     1 month appt: 11 lbs even (80th percentile)
     6 weeks: 12 lbs 0.8 oz
     7 weeks: 12 lbs 11.0 oz
     8 weeks: 13 lbs 2.8 oz
     8 1/2 weeks: 13 lbs 7.4 oz
     2 month appt: 13 lbs 13 oz (82nd percentile)

    Birth:  20.5 inches
    1 month appt: 21.75 inches (60th percentile)
    2 month appt: 23.75 inches (81st percentile)

Head circumference:
    Birth:  14.5 inches (36.8 cm)
    1 month appt: 15.25 inches (90th percentile)
    2 month appt: 16 inches (90th percentile)

Clothes:  He has just recently started to grow out of 0-3 month clothes and into the 3-6 month clothes.  Clothes 0-3 month still mainly fit, but I just got rid of most of the 0-3 month sleepers today.  He just graduated to the next size up in swaddles today as well. 

Diapers:  We graduated to size 2 at about 6 weeks.  He will be in those for quite awhile I think!

Sleep:  He is definitely swaddled every night.  He does not have any self-soothing skills yet, he is nursed/rocked to sleep then put down when is asleep.  He started sleeping for about 5 - 6 1/2 hours in his first stretch, then about 3 hours in his next stretch.  I had been putting him down for the night about 9:30, but I have recently started trying to move that back to about 8:15-8:30.  He does best when he takes a nap in the rock 'n play right before bedtime, so I try to get him down after Ethan goes to bed.  Eventually I would like for him to go to sleep for the night about 7:30, but I like feeding him that extra time.  He naps in my arms, the rock 'n play, sometimes the pack 'n play, the carseat if we are out, and sometimes the swing.  I hope he naps well at daycare next month :(.  He goes about an hour to 1 1/2 hours between waking up and his next nap.  He usually naps for about 30-45 min if he is not being held, if he is being held he naps at least an hour! 

Eating:  The boy still eats a lot - hence the weight gain.   He eats every 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 hours during the day.  Every once in awhile he will make it 2 1/2 hours.  He is still doing 2 1/2 - 3 oz at the clinic, so we do 3 oz bottles when we do them.  On average I nurse him about 10 times a day total. 

Our Day:  Our day hasn't changed much.  You have started to not want to go back to sleep after about 6:30-6:45, so you have been getting up before Ethan.  After we walk Ethan to daycare, we hang out at the house, try to go to the breastfeeding clinic once a week and usually find one other thing to do in the day.  We took a few more walks this month and you did great.  Sometimes you fell asleep and sometimes you just hung out. You have been up at school with me quite a few times and have done great! 

Looks: Still wonderful blue eyes and getting more brown hair.  I love the fuzzy hair that he has. 

Milestones:  You are doing awesome at holding up your head and are rolling over all the time now from your tummy to your back. You are smiling a ton now and we love it!  I love when you look up into my eyes and smile!  You are making all sorts of fun noises! 

Firsts:  First trip to Western KS including meeting his aunts, uncles, cousins, great-grandparents, and lots of other family.  First time to be baptized!

What we are looking forward to: Hanging out with family this coming week.

What we are dreading:  Shots tomorrow and I go back to work on Wednesday :(

 The quilt made by Aunt Chrissy
 Taking a bath in Granny's sink

 I love these pj's

 My 3 favorite guys

 Lightning McQueen!
Adam - 1 1/2 months
  Fun comparison - Adam above, Ethan below - they look a lot alike!

Ethan - 1 month
Fun comparison - Adam is on the left, Ethan is on the right.  They definitely look alike!
Adam - 1 1/2 months
Ethan - 1 month

 Clifford needed to give Adam a kiss.  Elmo had already given him a hug!

 Frozen movie night

 He can pout with the best of them!

Both boys had "construction worker" PJ's on!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

August happenings

Topeka Railroad Festival

Touch a truck 2014

Whenever we start to take pictures of Adam, Ethan wants his picture taken too!