This week has been interesting. Things were going great until about 12:15 am on Wednesday morning. I woke up and went to the bathroom and realized my lower back on the right hand side was hurting. After quite a bit of time in the bathroom and trying to lay back down, I realized it was worse than I thought. I was in quite a bit of pain. I finally fell back asleep about 3:00 am, then woke up about 15 min later. I fell back asleep around 4:00 am and 15 min later woke up again in excruciating pain. Unfortunately Jed had already left for work by then, so I felt very alone. Since I couldn't sleep, I had done a fair amount of reading online and was wondering if it was a kidney stone. I hadn't one in 8 1/2 years since Jed and I started dating! I decided that I wasn't going to be able to make it to work and that I needed to see a dr. I also decided that I was not up to getting Ethan around and driving to the dr, so at 6:30 I called Patty and she came over, took Ethan to daycare, then took me to the dr a little after 8. The dr did a urine sample and a non-stress test to make sure baby looked ok. That was the only positive of the experience, I got to see that baby was doing great with a strong heartbeat and lots of movement! I was having contractions about every 7 min, but they decided it wasn't anything to worry about and that they were probably just because of the pain I was in. Dr suspected kidney stone (just like I thought) and sent me on the hospital to have an ultrasound to check and make sure there were no obstructions and make sure everything looked ok. Especially in pregnancy, they don't usually do anything for kidney stones except lots of water and pain management unless they are obstructing something. Luckily there were no obstructions and they are still waiting to get the results of the urine sample. The ultrasound tech had trouble getting a good luck at my kidney's draining in to my bladder because they baby had its head on my bladder! I spent the rest of the afternoon resting at Patty's house. The pain got a lot better after I took a pain pill, and I have felt pretty good since then. Hoping whatever was going on is gone! That night was an incredibly long night!
In other news, I am officially done with school as of Friday. I won't be going back full-time for 4 months!
I have been pretty tired lately, definitely seeing some naps in my summer future! Ethan will be going to daycare 3 days a week, so I should have some time to get stuff done at the house! I am feeling tons of baby movement!
30 weeks 3 days - May 22 |
30 weeks 3 days - May 22 |
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