I am not happy with myself for going so long between posts. I wanted to document this pregnancy just as much as I did with Ethan, but I just have not found the motivation. I have taken a few pictures along the way though, so I am happy about that.
16 weeks 1 day - Feb 11 |
18 weeks 1 day - Feb 25 |
19 weeks 1 day - March 4 |
20 weeks 1 day - March 11 |
24 weeks 1 day - April 8 |
25 weeks 0 days - April 14 |
25 weeks 1 day - April 15 |
26 weeks 3 days - April 24 |
27 weeks 3 day - May 1 |
28 weeks 1 day - May 6 |
Overall, I have had a very great pregnancy. Of course I have had the minor aches and pains, but nothing that has been just crazy! The bigger I get, the more my back is starting to hurt of course. The hip pain that I was having at the start hasn't been hurting much, so that has been good. I have had the pain under my belly that I had last time when I start walking faster than a snail's pace.
Weight gain - I lost a total of 10 lbs at the beginning of my pregnancy between being sick with head and stomach cold and food not tasting that great. Since then I have gained back all 10 lbs plus 5 more! Now is when I have to start making sure I keep the food healthy and I really need to start exercising again.
My doctor's appointments have all been great with no issues. I had the gestational diabetes test at my last dr appointment and that went well (at least I think so, I never heard back which is supposed to be good). I didn't mind the drink last time and it wasn't bad again (although this time I got fruit punch instead of the orange). The baby's heartbeat has been great and strong and I love hearing it. I am already starting my biweekly appointments!
The biggest news in the past week is that we officially have a date scheduled for my c-section! Unless I go into labor early, this baby will be coming into the world at 10:00 on July 21, 2014! (Yes my math brain likes 7-21-14, all divisible by 7) I am excited, but getting nervous!
I started feeling movement around 20ish weeks. I haven't felt any hiccups yet, but this baby is definitely active. A lot of times the baby falls asleep while I am teaching, but that is what Ethan did as well. Just like last time, I love watching the baby make my belly move. Unfortunately this baby has really liked kicking straight down, which is not very comfortable!
We had a great ultrasound right around 20 weeks. Once again it was absolutely awesome to see our baby!
We made our last trip to Sharon Springs for Easter. It was great that Lester's family was able to be there as well.
Ethan has been talking a lot about his brother/sister and being excited about becoming a brother/sister (he doesn't understand he will always be a brother!). For awhile he was convinced that the baby was in his belly, but he finally decided it wasn't this last weekend when he was laying beside me and the baby kicked him. He thought it was hilarious! He has talked about how we are going to have to put the baby gate back on and put the side back on the crib when his brother/sister comes. It is so cute! I think my growing belly has made it easier for him to understand. He hasn't been super happy that for the most part I have stopped carrying him, but to me it isn't worth the strain on my back, and he seems content when I hold his hand.
We took a smaller babymoon this time to Oklahoma City for Valentine's Day weekend. We had a great time just the two of us exploring the city and resting. It was a great bonding time and Ethan had a great time with Momma Morai!
I have been wearing maternity clothes full time since March. I wore a few pieces in February, but tried to hold off.
I feel like I haven't done anything to get ready for this baby, but I know there is a lot less to get ready. My parents, Jed, and I did get the storage room organized including baby clothes and toys over spring break, so that was great! I am looking forward to this summer. I am planning on having Ethan go to daycare a few days a week. It will be fun to spend time with him. It will be weird to not travel this summer, but I know the time will go fast!