Sunday, July 28, 2013

24 months - aka 2 years - post

I can't believe that Ethan is 2 years old!  We got to celebrate his birthday many times including a party with my family in Sharon Springs, a breakfast of waffles on his birthday, and a party in Topeka the week after his birthday!

Stats:  At his 2 year dr appt he weighed 26 lbs 10 oz.  He is back up to the 35th percentile, compared to the teens he was at before, so that is good.  He got quite a bit taller,  but I didn't ever hear her say how tall he was!

Clothes:  24 month-2T.  He has been blessed with lots of clothes.  We are wearing size 5 diapers during the day, and size 5 night time diapers. 

Sleep: Nothing has really changed in this department.  He still sleeps great.  We put him down shortly after 7, and it was great being able to let him sleep in this summer!  I would usually get him out of bed around 7:30 am.  He takes a nap from 1-3:30ish and is sleeping on a nap mat at daycare.  He is still in his crib and pack-n-play at home.  I still have no desire to move him to a big boy bed, haha! 

Eating:  He usually eats about one really good meal a day and two decent meals.  He loves waffles and asks for them constantly.  He also loves fries.  He is not horribly picky, but definitely isn't adventurous. 

Milestones:  Wow, he is talking soooo much more.  He now puts 3-4 words together at a time, and I can understand him about 90% of the time.  He is so funny because he is a kid that repeats what he is saying until you understand.  He is really good at naming animals and making animal sounds and we are starting to work on counting.  He is very fast and is a great runner.  He was going down the slide on his belly, but he recently started sitting up to go down the slide!

What we are looking forward to: Continuing to watch him become more and more interactive!

What we are dreading: Giving up the pacifier (he only uses it to sleep - nap and night)....(obviously we still haven't done this yet).   I am honestly dreading potty training (have no desire to do that either).  I will be heading back to work very soon......

Miscellaneous: We have continued to go to the chiropractor and still no ear infections.  Hopefully that continues!  His favorite phrase currently is "have it"  but when it says it, it sounds more like "habit".  We have been working really hard on getting him to say please and thank you.  He says bless you when someone sneezes and it is adorable.  He loves to play with cars and trains and loves reading!  We read a lot in this house!  Still waiting on those 2 year molars.

Eating his pancake like a real kid!

His friend Emersyn!

Opal the gator!

Swimming with "sahwah"

Hanging out at Deanna Rose Farmstead with Kristin

They love Great-Granny!

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