Stats: We haven't been to the dr since 18 month appointment, so I have no idea on any of this stuff! I feel like he has gotten taller, and I hope that he has gained lots of weight!
Clothes: Mostly 24 month, some 18 month still. Size 5 diapers during the day and size 5 night diapers at night. He wears size 5 and 6 shoes.
Sleep: We started putting Ethan to bed a little later so hopefully he would fall asleep faster, and it seems to be working. He now goes to bed a little after 7 pm, and sleeps until about 6 am. He is really great about just hanging out in bed on his own until I go get him. This is part of why I have no desire to put him in a big boy bed, I am perfectly fine with him staying in his own bed! He still takes his one afternoon nap, from 1-3 at daycare and 1-4ish at home (sometimes he sleeps 3 hours for his nap and sometime 1, but once again he is really great about staying on his own).
Eating: I know that this age is crazy with eating, but sometimes Ethan is the best eater ever and sometimes he barely eats anything! He will eat things consistently for awhile, then act like he doesn't like it the next time I try it. He actually does fairly well though, I am just hoping he is gaining weight!
Milestones: Definitely a lot more talking. Still not putting many phrases together, but saying tons and tons of words!! He is getting better about eating with a fork and spoon, but eating with his fingers is so much easier!
Firsts: First spring break trip to Colorado, first trip to the chiropractor.
What we are looking forward to: Finishing the school year and having tons of fun this summer!
What we are dreading: Giving up the pacifier (he only uses it to sleep - nap and night)....(obviously we still haven't done this yet). I am honestly dreading potty training (have no desire to do that either).
Miscellaneous: Ethan is a strange kid, he will agree to a timeout, he doesn't really like to get dirty some days, and some days he loves getting down and dirty, and so many other crazy things, but we love him soooo much!! I wish I wrote down all the crazy things he does!!
We started out trips to the chiropractor during this time. We have had quite a bit of success with these, and we plan to continue. He has not had an ear infection since we started the visits to the chiropractor even though he has had a couple colds. Not sure if he would have been without ear infections anyway, but I am going to keep thinking it is working.
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