Stats: At his appointment today, Ethan weighed 22 lbs 3 oz. This is down to the 17th percentile, so we are supposed to be making sure we feed him a high calorie diet. He loves fruits and veggies, which is good, but he needs more calories. It doesn't help that the kid never sits still! He as 31 inches tall (50th percentile), and had a head circumference of (80th percentile). She said he looked great. Unfortunately today's dr appointment diagnosed another ear infection...grrr...
Clothes: Size 4 diapers and mostly 12-18 month clothes, a few 24 month, a few 2T, and a few 9-12 month here and there.
He sleeps around 11 hours without waking at night. He goes to bed shortly after 7 then gets up at 6:45. He usually "talks" himself to sleep. At daycare he takes one nap from 1-3 pm, and at home he was taking two 2 hour naps (10:30-12:30 and 3:00-5:00), but the last two weekends, he has not wanted to fall asleep for his second nap on Sunday.
Eating: Breastmilk in the morning, then whole milk, and lots of other solids for the rest of the day. He loves fruits and veggies, tolerates meat, loves beans, and loves cheese and cottage cheese!
Milestones: Since the middle of September all four of his first set of molars have come in. These have made him quite cranky unfortunately. Ethan is getting very good at listening to our instructions, and usually does what we ask. He is really good at doing puzzles, which is great for his age. He is not talking a lot yet, but loves to babble. Everything is "dat" (that). He also says "dun" (done), uh-oh, mama (not very often), and dada (all the time). He signs milk, eat, and more.
Firsts: First time carving a pumpkin, first trip to the pumpkin paradise, first trip to the discovery center, first hot air balloon festival, and first time playing at the mall play place.
What we are looking forward to: the upcoming holidays.
What we are dreading: more temper tantrums that come with the age he is!
Miscellaneous: Ethan absolutely loves playing outside. He loves riding his trike, and walking around in the yard. I am very nervous for what we will do when it is winter and too cold to go outside!
brycen droppped to 25% for weight at 12 months, and was down to 13% at 15 months. our dr wasn't concerned at all - especially given the fact that he NEVER stops moving... ever! I wouldn't stress too much about it!