My oh my, Ethan has definitely changed a lot this month. He went from only sitting up tripod style last month to sitting up without assistance this month. He also went from a gummy smile to a 2 toothed smile! I can't believe that Ethan has been with us for 1/2 a year already!! We love him so much and can't wait for all the other changes that are to come.
Weight: He lost a little bit of weight when he was sick, but he has definitely made up for it. He has gained just over a pound this month, and most of that came this past week! He weighed 17 lbs 12 oz when I took him to the clinic this morning. He gained 14 oz in the past 2 weeks - I'd say we hit a growth spurt! Considering how big of a baby he was at birth, he has grown to be very average size, which I'm perfectly fine with! He weighed 18 lbs 6 oz at his 6 month Dr's appointment on Feb 7.
Length: 27 inches at his 6 month dr appointment
Head: His head circumference was 38 cm at his first appt, 39.5 cm at 1 month, 42 cm at 2 months, at home estimate of 43.5 cm for 3 months, at home estimate of 44 cm at 4 months, an at home estimate of 45 cm at 5 months, and 45 cm at his 6 month dr appointment.
Clothes: Pampers and CostCo size 3's - almost thinking about moving to size 4's.....not sure though....He is in quite a few of his 3-6 month clothes, but is slowly growing out of them. He has grown out of almost all of his 3-6 month sleepers, so we had to buy a few 9 month sleepers. We also stopped using the swaddle sleep sacks and have moved him just to regular sleep sacks.
Sleep: Ughh.....don't get me started on this topic....the first two weeks of this month were ok, nothing special, then 2 weeks ago he decided to start waking up two times a night. At the time I thought that wasn't fun, but little did I know that this past week he would start waking up 3-4 times a night....I am hoping it is a growth spurt and teeth coming in thing and that this phase will end soon. He is starting to phase out his evening nap, and still doesn't nap very well for us, but does nap well at daycare.
Eating: Still going strong with breastfeeding - this month has been a little trying, but hopefully we can continue for another 3-6 months. Today we started solids - more on that later!.
Looks: More blonde hair and beautiful dark blue eyes! No clue who he looks like, but he sure is cute!
Milestones: Two teeth came in (Jan 20 and Jan 23) - both bottom central incisors, sitting up unassisted, starting solids, turning in a circle while on his belly, doing a little more scooting around on his belly, and rolling over from back to belly for the first time on Jan 8 - now he rarely stays on his back!
Firsts: First time of rolling over back to belly, first teeth, first time of eating solid foods (sweet potatoes on his 6 month birthday), first sleep over at mamma morai's (Jed took me to KC for a romantic night away, Ethan did great without us!), first time of sleeping on his stomach at night (now that he rolls over constantly, he rolls over in his sleep, the first few nights it wasn't good because he kept waking himself up, but now he likes to sleep that way), first play date with other babies, first ear infection (a miserable time, let me tell you), and first time to sit in high chair at home and in a restaurant!
What we are looking forward to: Experimenting with solids
What we are dreading: Any more rough sleep nights....
Favorite moment this month - All the times that Ethan laughs - he is a giggly boy, and his dad is really good at getting him to laugh!
Food that he eats -Ethan had his first taste of actual food today - we tried sweet potatoes for lunch and dinner. He didn't absolutely hate it, but definitely wasn't a huge fan, haha. I was hoping that eating solids would help him sleep longer at night, but he didn't swallow enough today to make any difference, haha. We will just keep trying and see how it goes - up next....bananas, then cereal, then avacado, then apples, then zucchini!
Ethan is the greatest thing that could have ever happened to us. I can't imagine my life without him now. Parenthood is always a roller coaster, but it's definitely one that I don't want to get off!
Enjoy the pictures...we really slacked on taking pictures this month...
Sleeping with mom - that's the only way he would sleep when he was sick at the beginning of the month |
Fun shopping with mom! |
Hanging out with dad! |
First time sitting in the high chair! |
First bite of solid food - sweet potatoe |
Maybe this is going to be ok.... |
I'm still not sure about it, haha |
I think more of the food ended up on his face! |
Really mom... |
Playing in the food! |
I am totally done with this!! |
6 month photo shoot |
Ethan and his favorite toy - Mr. Ladybug |
Look at that big boy sitting up! |
Reading his book! |
First time sitting in a restaurant high chair! |
First play date! |
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