Friday, October 28, 2011

3 months old!

People tell you that time flies when you have a child, but there is no way they can truly prepare you for how fast they grow up.  Ethan is officially an infant instead of a newborn!

Weight: Strangely enough, Ethan's weight gain has slowed down a ton this month.  So much so that they wanted us start keeping track of diapers and try to squeeze in one extra feeding every day.  Last Friday he was 14 lbs 10 oz.  We don't go back to the dr until 4 months, but he was 15 lbs 0.6 oz when we were at the clinic on Saturday!! 

Length:  He was 22 inches at birth, 21 inches at his first dr appt, 22 1/4 inches at his one month appt, and 24 inches at his 2 month appt.  We don't have an appt this month, so I measured him myself and estimated 25 inches!

Head:  His head circumference was 38 cm at his first appt, 39.5 cm at 1 month, 42 cm at 2 months, and since we didn't have a dr's appt, I estimated 43.5 cm!

Clothes:  Still in size 2 Pampers diapers.  He seems to do well with them, so we will stick with it!  Last weekend I went through and took most of the 0-3 clothes out of his drawers.  He is in mostly 3-6 month clothes and a few 6-9 month.  It was sad to put away all the clothes that don't fit anymore.  He has even outgrown his "I love mom" onesie :(. 

Sleep:  Night time sleeping is fantastic.  If I keep him up past 7:30, he starts getting grumpy.  I put him in pj's (footed ones now that it is cooler), swaddle him, nurse him, and put him to bed starting about 7:30.  He goes right to sleep after nursing.  Even if he is still awake, once I put him in his cradle he goes right to sleep.  He usually wakes up around 4:00 am, then goes back to sleep.  On the week days I have to wake him up at 6:30 and on the weekends he sleeps in until 7:30-8:00.  3 times this month he made it all the way through the night without waking up!  One time he woke up at 5:45, the other 2 times I had to wake him up at 6:30.

Naps are getting better now that he is at daycare.  He usually sleeps about an hour at a time at daycare and about 40 min at a time at home.  He is doing better at putting himself to sleep, but he still needs rocked and held sometimes in the evenings.  I probably spoil him as I miss him during the day, so I don't mind holding him for naps.  He usually takes his first nap about an hour to an hour and a half after he first wakes up for the day!  He usually then takes another nap mid morning, one mid afternoon, then 1-2 short naps in the evening. 

What we do every day: Our days are the same as last month now that I am back at work.  Up at 6:30, daycare at 7:05, Jed picks him up between 3:00-4:00, I get home around 4:15, then we hang out for the evening! 

Eating:  Ethan was eating every 3 hours, but now that they want me to squeeze in another feeding, he is eating about every 2 1/2 hours.  He takes 4 oz bottles at daycare (although today he took one 6 oz bottle).  He nurses once with me in the middle of the night, once before daycare, 3-4 bottles at daycare, and then nurses twice with me in the evenings.  We will see how the extra eating went this week when we weigh him on Saturday.

Looks:  Still blonde hair and blue eyes.  Some people say he is looking more and more like me every day!

Milestones:  There are so many smiles now, it is fantastic.  He is rolling from his back to his side, but hasn't figured out how to make it all the way over yet.  He is grabbing at lots of things (clothes, necklace, etc.).  He is drooling a lot and blowing bubbles with his slobber.  He also discovered his tongue the other day.  He is now starting to imitate us when we stick out our tongue! He makes sounds with his lips every once in awhile that surprise him every time!  He also is grabbing on to things and transferring them to his other hand.  He is rolling from his back to his side, but nothing else yet.

Firsts: First 5k, first full month at daycare, first time to celebrate mom's birthday, first shots :(, first trip to Holton.

What we are looking forward to:  3 month pictures on Saturday!

What we are dreading:  5 day work weeks :(

I will add pictures later.

1 comment:

  1. Brycen has caught up to him in weight!can't get over how cute he is!
