This time is going so fast! We are loving our time with Ethan, he is absolutely adorable and we think he is the best baby in the world (sorry to all of you who have babies, ours is cuter, haha!).
This week brought a visit from Ethan's Aunt Maleia, Uncle Doug, and cousin Grace. Ethan was a champ while they were here and loved snuggling with his aunt and uncle!
This week also brought a little bit of time back to work for me to get the school year started. Ethan and I ventured up to school on Monday so I could meet with my sub and he did great. I loved showing him off! Yesterday (Wednesday) I went to school for the first day of school and left Ethan at home with his Momma Morai (Jed's mom). He did great for her and took a bottle just fine. I think I had more problems with leaving him then he did, haha! I did come home during my lunch so I could get my Ethan fix!
I took Ethan to the breastfeeding clinic on Tuesday to have him weighed and at 19 days old he was an even 11 pounds, he gained 13.1 ounces in 1 week - crazy growing boy!! He is already growing out of a few of his 0-3 month onesies that run a little smaller!
Ethan has decided that he is going to wake up more in the night again (those 10:00-5:30 nights were nice while they lasted, haha). Luckily he is only waking up 1 or 2 times, but unfortunately he takes about 1 1/2 to 2 hours to get back to sleep....he also hasn't been napping as well during the day, but as I say that he has been out for the last 2 1/2 hours this morning, so hopefully we are going back to easy napping! He is doing great at sleeping in his cradle. I usually find him sleeping with his arms outstretched above his head when I check on him!
He loves to hold his head up while he is propped up on our shoulder. He also loves to push against our hands and scoot around on the blanket during tummy time. He also loves to knock the burp cloth off our shoulder when we are burping him!
Ethan lost his umbilical cord this week, so we tried his first real bath. He wasn't a huge fun, hopefully the next bath goes better!
Pictures from the week!
Ethan also had his first modeling job this week. A studio in the mall was offering $30 off and no sitting fee for babies under 3 weeks old. Ethan did great during the photo shoot and was absolutely adorable!
good to know we are not alone in the napping issues... brycen is awake and fussy from about 11 am until 2/3pm. He is sleeping like a champ at night though so I guess I shouldn't complain too much. Though right now, he is napping :) let me know if anything works for you, cause i'd love to try and get him to nap more during the day.