Well - today was due date day!! We had a non-stress test (NST) scheduled as well as a dr's appointment. My dr likes to do a NST on your due date to make sure everything is still going ok. Unfortunately Baby Lake decided he/she wanted to be lazy/sleepy during the NST and the dr was not happy with the amount of movement we were getting. This could be caused by the baby being lazy or it could be something going wrong with my placenta, so off to the hospital we went. Being a teacher I wasn't too happy that our baby had already failed it's first test! We had a Biophysical Profile where the baby scored a perfect 8 out of 8. We then were monitored for a longer period of time and after drinking some juice the baby started to perk up. After that, the nurse checked me and I was dilated to a 3. I was having contractions every 4-7 minutes during the monitoring, so they sent us walking in the halls for an hour to do some labor monitoring. After an hour I hadn't dilated anymore, so they sent me home. Since it is my due date and the baby was possibly showing some signs of not being happy, my dr thought it was best to just go ahead and bring our baby into the world. Had things not have been fine during the hospital monitoring, we would have just stayed and started induction tonight. But, since things were looking ok, we were sent home and told to come back for induction at 7:15 tomorrow (Thurs) morning. We were already considering inducing tomorrow since my dr is going to be gone all next week, so this wasn't an idea we were totally in shock over. Now, there was more reason though - I will do anything in my power to make sure this baby comes into the world safely!
This week I have been having contractions and my back has been hurting pretty bad with spasm type pain, so hopefully those contractions will pick up tomorrow and I won't have too long of a labor. We are very excited, a little nervous, and very anxious about what tomorrow will bring. Hard to believe we will finally know if it is a girl or boy and we will finally get to share his/her name!!
Stay tuned for more updates and/or baby pictures!
My last weekly picture!!
Yeah! Can't wait!