Sunday, April 26, 2015

9 months - Adam Ray

He was definitely not in the mood to take pictures!
     Birth:   7 lbs 12.6 oz
     1 month appt: 11 lbs even (80th percentile)
     2 month appt: 13 lbs 13 oz (82nd percentile)
     4 month appt: 15 lbs 10 oz (54th percentile)
     6 month appt:  18 lbs even (60th percentile)
     9 month appt: 19 lbs 3.2 oz (42nd percentile)

    Birth:  20.5 inches
    1 month appt: 21.75 inches (60th percentile)
    2 month appt: 23.75 inches (81st percentile)
    4 month appt: 26 inches (84th percentile)
    6 month appt: 27.75 inches (91st percentile)
    9 month appt: 28.75 inches (67th percentile)

Head circumference:
    Birth:  14.5 inches (36.8 cm)
    1 month appt: 15.25 inches (90th percentile)
    2 month appt: 16 inches (90th percentile)
    4 month appt: 16.75 inches (77th percentile)
    6 month appt:  17.5 inches (83rd percentile)
     9 month appt: 17.9 inches (65th percentile)

Clothes:  He is in 6-9 and 12 month clothes.

Diapers:   He wears size 4 diapers during the day and size 4 night time diapers at night.  He is still leaking through at night sometimes, so not sure what I am going to do next.

Sleep:  He is still waking up about once a night and nursing, but he nurses well, so I am fine to continue it.  He has gotten pretty consistent on the weekends with a morning nap in my arms a few hours after waking up, then taking a 2 hour nap in his pack and play in the afternoon.  At daycare he does a short morning nap, then a nap from 1 - 3 ish while the other kids nap.  Every once in awhile he will take an evening nap.  His morning wakeups are still very inconsistent, but they seem to be getting a little better.

Eating:  He loves solid foods!  We have done quite a few foods.  At daycare he does mainly homeade purees and at home we do mainly finger foods.  He usually nurses/bottles about 6 times per day.  We had an interesting/horrible time this past month with a nursing strike.  He started refusing on Sunday evening and did not start easily nursing again Wednesday night.  I did trick him into nursing a few times, and it was a very stressful time.  I am pretty sure it was due to teeth!

Teeth:  4 more teeth came this month.  One more on the bottom, 2 on the top (not the top middle, the next two out), then the other one on the bottom.  It is funny the order they are coming in.  He got 6 teeth in about 5 weeks!

Looks: So much brown hair!! 

Milestones:  Sitting up like a champ, rolling all over the place, little tiny scoots.

Miscellaneous - Overall, Adam is a very happy baby and we love him so much!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

March 2015

 This kid loves to give "kisses"

 He loved driving the vehicles at the auto show - especially the mini vans - haha!
 He wanted to see the engine

 Adam just "hanging out"

 First trip in the double stroller without the carseat

 St. Patrick's Day parade