Birth: 7 lbs 12.6 oz
Hospital discharge: 7 lbs 5.4 oz
1 week: 7 lbs 8.4 oz
1 week dr appt: 7 lbs 13 oz
2 weeks: 8 lbs 9.9 oz
3 weeks: 9 lbs 10.9 oz
4 weeks: 10 lbs 8.9 oz
1 month appt: 11 lbs even (80th percentile)
6 weeks: 12 lbs 0.8 oz
7 weeks: 12 lbs 11.0 oz
8 weeks: 13 lbs 2.8 oz
8 1/2 weeks: 13 lbs 7.4 oz
2 month appt: 13 lbs 13 oz (82nd percentile)
9 weeks: 13 lbs 11.2 oz
9 1/2 weeks: 13 lbs 12 oz (I had been back at work for 3 days between these two weights)
10 1/2 weeks: 13 lbs 15 oz
11 1/2 weeks: 14 lbs 4.2 oz
13 1/2 weeks: 14 lbs 12 oz
His weight gain slowed down drastically when I went back to work and he wasn't acting hungry at daycare. We ended up going up in nipple size and he has been doing better since then.
Birth: 20.5 inches
1 month appt: 21.75 inches (60th percentile)
2 month appt: 23.75 inches (81st percentile)
3 month at home estimate:
Head circumference:
Birth: 14.5 inches (36.8 cm)
1 month appt: 15.25 inches (90th percentile)
2 month appt: 16 inches (90th percentile)
3 month at home estimate:
Clothes: I have gotten rid of all the 0-3 month clothes from his drawer except for a few of my very favorite outfits that I still squeeze him into, haha (mainly his I love mom onesie). He is in all 3-6 month with a few 6-9 sprinkled in.
Diapers: Size 2 diapers day at night
Sleep: He is still swaddled every night. I put him down for a nap about 7:30 then wake him about 8:15 to feed him and put him in bed. He is doing decent with falling asleep even if he isn't asleep when I set him down for the night. He had been waking up between 3:30 - 4:30, but just recently he has started to wake up at random times and more than once during the night. I then get him up at 6:30 for the day. At home we are still working on naps. It is so hard not to hold him in the evenings and weekends since I miss him so much. At daycare he is doing great for naps. He loves to fall asleep on the floor with all the kids playing around him and will wake up when they leave! He also will fall asleep in the swing then stay asleep when she puts him in the pack 'n play with a blanket tucked around his legs. The first week at daycare he would only sleep in the carseat, so I am glad we are past that.
Eating: Now that he is at daycare I nurse him during the night, once before work, he gets three 4 oz bottles at daycare (usually eating most of all of them), then I nurse him right when we get him, once mid evening, and once before bed. On the weekends he eats about every 2-3 hours.
Our Day: Our day is drastically different now that I am back at work. I wake Ethan up at 6:20, get him dressed and get him his cereal bar. I then get Adam up around 6:30 (if he isn't already up). I get him dressed and feed him then pump before we all get in the car and head to daycare. We pick them up from daycare between 4 and 4:30, come home, nurse and then Adam naps while Ethan watches tv, then we eat dinner, Adam nurses again while Ethan plays, Ethan goes to bed, Adam naps, then nurses, then goes to bed about 8:15.
Looks: A little more brown hair.
Milestones: Making so many more noises and lots of smiles and a few laughs.
Firsts: First time to the pumpkin patch, first time at daycare, first time to celebrate mom's birthday, first shots
Granny got to spend some special time with Adam when I went back to work. |
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Adam is sad this is his last time to wear mom's favorite outfit |
Excited to watch the Chiefs play (they won by the way!)
Ethan reading his brother a book
First full day of daycare
First set of shots