Sunday, March 31, 2013

March random pictures!

Playing with Grandpa Lake

Walking around the KC Auto Show

Puzzles with Uncle Lester

Playing with cousin Charlotte at her 1st birthday party!

Reading with Momma Morai!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Colorado Spring Break - 2013

We headed out Friday for our Spring Break trip to Colorado.  We stayed the night in Sharon Springs before heading to Colorado Springs.  After a day in the Springs we headed up to the cabin for a few days.  Then we headed on to Buena Vista to spend time with Jed's aunt and uncle.  After a great few days there, we headed back to Sharon Springs for the night, then back to Topeka.  We had a great time!  The only issue was Ethan not really wanting to sleep in the car; on the way to SS he didn't fall asleep at all!  He really did a great job riding though - almost 24 hours in a vehicle for the trip.  We got to spend great time with family and Ethan enjoyed the mountains.

Ethan loved the deer!

Gorgeous views from Chrissy and Bill's house

Facetiming with Momma Morai

Shopping with Grandpa

Crawling in tunnels with Granny

Ethan loves Choo Choo's and this museum had a great one!

First time playing in a McDonald's play place.

E pancake from Grandpa!

We ran out of bedrooms so at my grandparent's cabin, Ethan got to sleep in the bathroom!

The kids!

Attempting to hide a football under his shirt!

Beautiful mountain scenery

Ethan would have rather been down playing!

Lester's family

Grandpa can make anything better

Jed and I's trip up part of Pike's Peak (it was closed due to weather at mile 13)