Ethan's 1st birthday party was held on his actual birthday since it fell on a Saturday. We started off the morning by singing happy birthday to Ethan as he woke up.It was so surreal to think that our baby was 1 year old already!
Then we played and continued to get ready for the big party. Jed and I had worked really hard all week getting ready and we continued to work this morning. Jed and Ethan's grandpa spent the morning putting together Ethan's new swing set.
Ethan loves swinging on his new swing set!
The main project in the house to do was to decorate the cakes. I had decided that although I had never decorated a cake in my life, I wanted to make the cake for his birthday party. We were expecting around 40 people, so I made cake and cupcakes. Needless to say, it did not turn out perfect, but with the help of my mom and Jed, and Christine's supplies,it was fun to do and it turned out decent. The best part was the fact that I could say I made it for Ethan. We had white cake baseball cupcakes, chocolate cake football cupcakes, a yellow smash cake decorated with green icing for grass and baseballs and footballs, and a yellow cake base decorated like grass and a chocolate cake "1" with baseballs and footballs.
We got Ethan dressed in his birthday onesie and headed out for the breastfeeding clinic to get him weighed. After a year of exclusive breastfeeding, Ethan weighed in at 21 lbs 12.6 oz.
He of course did not want to take a nap on this huge day, so Granny got to hold him for a nap. He then headed over to Momma Morai's to swim with his cousins and aunt and uncle while we continued to get ready at the house. He came back just in time to take a nap. He was still asleep when people started arriving around 4:00. I decided to wake him up around 4:10 so he could enjoy his party. We had bubbles for the kids to play with as well as balloons!
We tried to get pictures with each set of party guests, but there was so much going on that Ethan didn't want to smile much. He had a great time at his party including eating lots of good food - such as the pulled pork that Jed smoked.
After he ate, we gave Ethan his smash cake and sang happy birthday. He touched the cake, smeared the frosting, but wouldn't put any in his mouth. Other kids sure enjoyed helping him eat the cake though!
We ended the evening with lots of wonderful presents from our wonderful guests! We are so lucky to have wonderful friends and family in our lives that love and support us with Ethan. It was a wonderful 1st birthday party that will never be forgotten! Here's to another year with our wonderful son Ethan!! We love you so much!
Monday, July 30, 2012
Our baby is 1!
How on earth is our baby, ok toddler, a year old already. He is always on the go and is an incredibly happy boy. He brings so much joy to our life!!
Weight: He weighed in at 21 lbs 12.6 oz on his first birthday! A very healthy weight, dr said 40th percentile! He is 29 inches tall, which is the 25th percentile. I think he got our short genes. His head is 19 inches, which is the 90th percentile. The guy has a big head!!
Clothes: Size 4 diapers and 9-12 month clothes!
Sleep: He sleeps from 9-11 1/2 hours without waking at night, then goes right back to sleep after eating. He is really enjoying summer where I feed him, then put him back down, and then he wakes up whenever he wants - a few mornings he has even slept until 9:30. He naps around 10:30 and 2:30 when he is home with me and each nap is from 1 1/2 - 2 hours. At daycare he takes a short nap in the morning around 10, then a couple hour nap around 1:00. He goes to bed between 7:30 and 8:00.
Eating: Diet of breastmilk, with lots of solids. He loves veggies, he is getting back into fruit, isn't a huge fan of meat, loves beans, and loves cheese, avocado, and eggs!!
Milestones: Surprisingly there weren't anymore teeth this month, but the huge milestone this month was walking!! He took his first steps on July 7, walked half way across the room on July 11, then was off without being stopped on July 12. He loves walking and is so good at it. He also said his 3rd word this month - uh oh! He also has been mastering climbing in and out of chairs. He is getting much better! He can climb on and off his push car.
Firsts: First family reunion (you were a huge hit of course, you collected other people's name tags!), first fourth of July (we didn't do any fireworks), first time playing with bubbles, first birthday party of his own, first time swinging on your own swing set!
What we are looking forward to: more fun time with you!
What we are dreading: me going back to work next week - I have really enjoyed this summer and it has gone so fast!
Favorite moment this month - Seeing him working the room at his birthday party!
This month's miscellaneous - Ethan is so much fun to be around. He loves people, he loves to walk, he loves being outside, and he loves being in the water. He loves swimming in the pool in the backyard (especially at Momma Morai's), and he loves his baths! This past year has gone so fast, and he has brought so much joy into our lives. We love every second of being his parents and are incredibly blessed. I can't wait for all the fun to come!
Weight: He weighed in at 21 lbs 12.6 oz on his first birthday! A very healthy weight, dr said 40th percentile! He is 29 inches tall, which is the 25th percentile. I think he got our short genes. His head is 19 inches, which is the 90th percentile. The guy has a big head!!
Clothes: Size 4 diapers and 9-12 month clothes!
Sleep: He sleeps from 9-11 1/2 hours without waking at night, then goes right back to sleep after eating. He is really enjoying summer where I feed him, then put him back down, and then he wakes up whenever he wants - a few mornings he has even slept until 9:30. He naps around 10:30 and 2:30 when he is home with me and each nap is from 1 1/2 - 2 hours. At daycare he takes a short nap in the morning around 10, then a couple hour nap around 1:00. He goes to bed between 7:30 and 8:00.
Eating: Diet of breastmilk, with lots of solids. He loves veggies, he is getting back into fruit, isn't a huge fan of meat, loves beans, and loves cheese, avocado, and eggs!!
Milestones: Surprisingly there weren't anymore teeth this month, but the huge milestone this month was walking!! He took his first steps on July 7, walked half way across the room on July 11, then was off without being stopped on July 12. He loves walking and is so good at it. He also said his 3rd word this month - uh oh! He also has been mastering climbing in and out of chairs. He is getting much better! He can climb on and off his push car.
Firsts: First family reunion (you were a huge hit of course, you collected other people's name tags!), first fourth of July (we didn't do any fireworks), first time playing with bubbles, first birthday party of his own, first time swinging on your own swing set!
What we are looking forward to: more fun time with you!
What we are dreading: me going back to work next week - I have really enjoyed this summer and it has gone so fast!
Favorite moment this month - Seeing him working the room at his birthday party!
This month's miscellaneous - Ethan is so much fun to be around. He loves people, he loves to walk, he loves being outside, and he loves being in the water. He loves swimming in the pool in the backyard (especially at Momma Morai's), and he loves his baths! This past year has gone so fast, and he has brought so much joy into our lives. We love every second of being his parents and are incredibly blessed. I can't wait for all the fun to come!
He loves watermelon! |
Pushing the push toy around like a mad man! |
2 crazy drivers! |
Ethan was very enthralled with his new cousin Charlotte! |
Waving hi to Charlotte! |
All 3 Lake grandkids |
Working the room in his suit! |
He loves playing with his shovels! |
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Ethan and his new trike that he got for his birthday! |
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Ethan's 1st birthday pictures!
We took his first birthday pictures the week before his birthday and included some family pictures. I loved how they turned out!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Another belated post - 11 months!!
Another belated post - this time due to the fact that we were in Florida for his 11 month birthday!!
Weight: He is still in the mid 20's, he isn't gaining much weight, but he is still healthy, so that is what matters!
Clothes: Mostly size 12 months, a few 9 month still, size 4 of any diapers.
Sleep: Still sleeping about 10 1/2 hours with one wake up on good nights. Every once in awhile we have a rough night, but usually not too bad. He has made a lot of progress with naps this past month. He is now taking every nap in his pack and play (unless we are out of course) and actually will not let you hold him for naps anymore. He also goes to sleep without being rocked, which is great, but sometimes I miss that closeness of holding him for naps! His naps range anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour and a half. He napped great on both vacations! He usually naps around 10 am and again around 2-3 pm.
Eating: Well, he has decided that he doesn't want to be fed with a spoon anymore, which is fine, but made traveling a little more difficult. He has a new found love for melons. He also loves cheese and vegetables. He also loves to throw food on the floor. He is still on a diet of mainly breastmilk!
Looks: Blonde blue eyed handsome little boy!
Milestones: Standing up without holding onto anything for assistance, reaching down to get something while staying standing, 8th tooth, waving goodbye consistently
Firsts: first library storytime, first library card, first trip to the zoo, first time in the Gulf of Mexico, first time in a tropical storm (Tropical Storm Debby hit while we were down in Florida), first middle of the night hotel fire alarm (not fun, not fun), first time playing on the beach in the sand (and of course he had to eat some sand).
What we are looking forward to: first birthday party of course!
What we are dreading: more teeth coming in...which usually means more ear infections for him. We had our third round of ear infections this month - another double one....not fun!
Favorite moment this month - Seeing him have so much fun in the water on our vacation.
This month's miscellaneous - Ethan got to go to Florida with my mom, my friend Christine, and I for a conference I was going to. My mom and Ethan were supposed to have a lot of time in the sun, but unfortunately Tropical Storm Debby kept them inside for a few days. We did get some sun and ended up having a great time. He did great on the flight there, but not so much on the way back. People are always commenting on how happy of a baby he is. He is quite the "flirt". Even in the middle of the night during the fire alarm, he was smiling and flirting with the girls. It is so fun!
Random family photo |
Sports photo shoot for his birthday invitation! |
Father's Day 2012! |
First trip to the zoo! |
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