Weight: We went to the breastfeeding clinic a few weeks ago and he was almost 20 lbs. We have our 9 month dr appt on May 8.
Clothes: Mostly 6-9's and 12 month clothes. We are moving up slowly to 12 month clothes. We won't be needing the long sleeve outfits much longer. This has been such a warm winter and spring that he never wore a few of his true winter clothes. He is wearing size 3 diapers during the day and 4 at night. He needs to move to size 4's fully, but I want to make it through the 3's I have! He is very proportionate and looks great!
Sleep: Sleep was quite a bit better this month. We went back to waking up usually once, maybe twice a night, eating, and then going right back to sleep. That I can handle! He nurses really well whenever he eats mid night, so I'm not going to take that away from him. Naps still aren't the greatest. He is getting better about not fighting so much to go to sleep, but he has stopped sleeping on his own even at daycare. I have decided that operation nap is going to start this week. I know he can fall asleep on his own, I just have to teach him to do it. When he is at home, he takes two naps, about 2 hours after he wakes up, around 1, then around 4:30. During the week, he sometimes takes his morning nap at daycare, then takes a nap around 1, then another with us at home around 4:45. He seems to needs the naps, so I wonder when he will start taking fewer naps....
Eating: Still going strong with breastfeeding and solids!! He eats about 12 at daycare while I am at work. I pump at work and am still not keeping up, but thank goodness for my freezer stash. I am so happy that I have been able to keep him breastfeeding, it works great for us. My original goal was 6 months, then when I made it there, I said 9 months, now I would like to make a year, but we will see. It might be easier when school is out, and we only have 4 more weeks of that! He loves his solids, but we are still only giving him lunch and dinner. Not sure when we will start 3 meals a day. He likes pretty much everything we give him.
Looks: Still doesn't have much hair, but the hair he does have is getting a little darker, but still blonde. Of course he has those beautiful blue eyes!
Milestones: Started with going from stomach to sitting the last weekend in March, then by the next week he was crawling, and then Easter weekend he learned to pull up to standing. He is now totally mobile and hates to stay in one place very long. He has also learned to climb stairs, very nerve racking for mom! Another tooth popped through today (4-28 - left lateral incisor).
Firsts: first time to attend a wedding, first time to go to a friend's birthday party, first Easter, first time to hunt Easter eggs (he found one and then was perfectly happy to just play with it), first time to eat Great Grandma's homeade noodles, first bump on the head.
What we are looking forward to: dad's birthday on Monday, going to see his new cousin Charlotte, mom being done with school for the year, and going to see Uncle Lester in California at the very end of May!
What we are dreading: the possibility that Ethan will not like flying...
Favorite moment this month - watching him learn how to crawl and listening to all the new sounds he is making (still not really saying any words, he says momma when he cries, haha!).
Food that he eats - He loves pretty much everything, for some reason he didn't like the latest batch of sweet potatoes I made. I am making 95% of his food and really enjoy doing it. This month he has had pumpkin, pears, mashed potatoes, homeade noodles, broccoli (pictures to follow of him eating his as a finger food, haha - it usually ends up everywhere including in his ears and hair!), cantaloupe (not a huge fan, but he will eat it), pasta, toast, watermelon, asparagus (he loves this as a finger food), and ground beef today! It is so fun to watch him eating things as finger foods. He is getting really good at it but still likes purees.
This month's miscellaneous - He loves playing with pretty much any toy, but this month's favorites are his alligator toy and the shovel that Granny gave him for Easter! Also, now that you know how to stand, you love going to the front door and standing at the glass door and look out!